PubMed Roadmap
Using the Roadmap for Searching Literature in PubMed you will to learn how to build and conduct a systematic search in PubMed. The following steps will be covered:
– Research question: formulate your research question and divide it into elements
– Logbook: develop and document your search strategy
– Collecting MeSH terms: find controlled search terms in PubMed
– Collecting free-text terms: collect terms and search in the title and abstract [tiab] of the record
– Truncation and Phrase searching: learn to use two search techniques
– Combining: use Boolean operators
– Filters: apply clinical queries and other search filters to refine your results
– Evaluating: evaluate your search results and modify your search strategy if necessary
– References: manage references and insert citations into a document
– Other resources: use other relevant literature databases to find more references
This instruction is available in English and Dutch and you can find the Roadmap here.