Creative Commons

From “all rights reserved” to “some rights reserved”, Creative Commons licenses allow authors, artists, scientists, teachers and students the freedom to flexibly their copyright.
With a choice from the available standard licenses the author determines the extent to which his or her work may be further distributed and under what conditions.
Offering work under a Creative Commons license does not mean that the author specifies the copyrights. It means that he/she chooses to provide predetermined usage, which a user explicitly otherwise would have to ask permission.

On the website of Creative Commons is an overview and explanation of the different Creative Commons licenses , arranged from least to most restrictive.

A video about Creative Commons in Education:

Why Open Educational Resources Matter from Brendan Walsh on Vimeo.

This is my submission for the “Why Open Educational Resources Matter” video contest. All content is original, created by myself, including video footage, icons, motion graphics, music, voice over, and script.


Instructions for re-using this material

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