PubMed Roadmap

Using the Roadmap for Searching Literature in PubMed you will to learn how to build and conduct a systematic search in PubMed. The following steps will …

Getting started with Passport

From the website: Passport is a global market research database providing statistics, analysis, reports, surveys and breaking news on industries, countries and …

Introduction LexisNexis Academic

LexisNexis Academic is an online fulltext newsarchive of national and regional newspapers, including professional- and newsmagazines, except pictures,  ads and attachments. Here …

Fontys databases

Databases are collections of digital (study) materials such as e-journals, digital articles, e-books and e-videos. Fontys is subscribed to many of those …

CBS Statline

StatLine is  the electronic databank of Statistics Netherlands. It enables users to compile their own tables and graphs. The information can be …

Royalty free music

Where do you find royalty-free music to use in a presentation? A list of websites where you can find royalty free music. …

Royalty free images

Where do you find royalty free photos and pictures for your research report or presentation? A list of websites where you can …

Sage Premier

Sage Premier is part of Sage Journals and contains full text articles of Sage Publications in the following disciplines: Health Science Life …

Wiley Online Library

The Wiley Online Library is a collection of scientific databases that provide access to a multidisciplinary collection of full text online resources …

Advanced Search EBSCOhost

This tutorial shows an Advanced Search in EBSCOhost. This video was made by EBSCO and released on january 15th, 2015. Instruction for …