How to spot fake news

IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations) has made this infographic with eight simple steps to discover the verifiability of a given news-piece …

Poster citing online sources in APA style

Guidelines and examples taken from the book Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association 6th Edition (American Psychological Association, 2010, pp. 200-210) …

PubMed Roadmap

Using the Roadmap for Searching Literature in PubMed you will to learn how to build and conduct a systematic search in PubMed. The following steps will …

Google tips & tricks

Document containing 18 tips and tricks to use Google search efficiently. Everyone can search with Google, but finding what your looking for …

What is deskresearch?

Via this short video you will learn what deskresearchis. It also gives you tips on using smart search techniques to get better …

Getting started with Passport

From the website: Passport is a global market research database providing statistics, analysis, reports, surveys and breaking news on industries, countries and …

Reliability information

It’s hard to judge a website on reliability and if it can be used as a sourch for your paper.This short clip …

How do I state my sources?

You must indicate the sources you use, otherwise you commit plagiarism. There are rules, when and how to act, you’ll see in …